Tuesday, September 2, 2008

El fin de semana

¡Hola kiddos!

El el fin de semana, Jon y yo invitamos algunos amigos a nuestro pueblo, Auburn, para un gran “show” de carros. Estaban miles de carros. Estaban con nosotros por 4 días. Fue muy divertido, pero ahora, tengo que descansarme!

Un lamborginiEncontraron un carro del ejercito y me daba mucha risa porque como niños chiquitos, jugaron. :)

Jeff con su rifle...

Chad y Jon

Aquí es un “Scout” mi carro preferido. Es muy antiguo y ahora bien caro…no compramos nada. ;)
Chad y nuestro vecino nuevo, Riley.
Todo el grupo en una fuente
Los animales me sorprendieron mucho. Eran vivos pero un cazador los mató y ahora son para decoración. ¡No quiero animales muertos en un barquito en mi casa!


Carissa said...

I kind of forgot about Labor Day but looks like you had lots of fun! Where were you? My cousins used to have a Scout kind of like that only red. I'll show the kids the blog tomorrow after homework--they will be excited to see new pictures and to hear from you! It was great to see you a few weeks ago!
Love ya~Carissa

Carissa said...

Sorry, I am the only one commenting on this post and that the kids haven't yet, but I just wanted to let you know that Jose (Lupita's bro--we have three now, Jose grande-Lili's bro, Jose Angel-Lupita's, and Jose chiquito-the new one, but anyway) Jose read me your whole blog post! He had lots of questions about the pictures and I would tell him to read me what you had written (because the answers were right there)...little by little, he's making progress. :) The kids were very intrigued by the live-looking, yet dead animals and of course excited to see pictures of Jeff and with the gun, and all the cars. Your parents arrived today. Makes me miss you even more! Take care!
Love ya~Carissa

Anonymous said...

Hola: emi
pues tequiero decir que mañana
se va Gloria viernes a las
7:30 ó 7:00 ora por ella
para que le valla bien
te quiero AAAAADIOS

11 /DE setiembre/2008 ELI♥